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Showing posts from September, 2016

Six Steps to Book Marketing - How to build awareness of your novel and increase sales

So you've written a novel, published on an internet-based retailer platform like Amazon, iBook, Kobo, and now you need to get the word out? Well Dorothy, the best thing you can do right now, is jump into the digital marketing funnel ! It's going to carry you and your novel far. Here's how. Step 1: Exposure- Let people know about your book through SEO, Ads, Word of Mouth, Groups, Posts, Tweets, Launches, Facebook Posts, signings, podcasts, interviews, a street team re-tweeting, re-posting, etc.   Step 2: Discovery- Once you get their eyes on your novel promotion, you need to get potential readers to come closer and get more information. This requires a link to click through, a sample to read, a video of you reading aloud, a landing page, a pre-order link, an author interview, and a newsletter sign-up. Step 3: Consideration- Get your potential reader to think about purchasing, offer a discount, a deal, a freebee, a promise, have ratings, testimonials, reviews, awar...

How to Design an eBook Cover that Hooks Readers

The number one rule to remember in designing e-book covers is readability. If people cannot see the images and text on the e-book cover, then they are not going purchase the novel. Readability is affected by three things: placement of elements resolution of image size of image Placement of Elements Your design is going to be made up of some or all of the following: background colour, texture or image layered symbol or other image title text series text author text description text Too many elements can make for crowded design, which is a "no, no", but if you search cover designs online, you'll find some that incorporate all of the above six items well. Why would you? Well Amazon will not allow text in the "title" section of your book posting that is not on your cover. Think about that in terms of targeting keywords potential readers may be searching. According to DigitalPublishing101's article The importance of ebook covers, an e-book...