I have been setting Goodreads to the side as I build my author platform, and even just writing this statement strikes me right in the oxymorons. Why? Because, people join Goodreads to talk about books, share books, review books, put books on their shelves, and promote books. Now that my first adult horror novel, "Girl Desecrated", is launched, I realize I should have been focused on this group of potential readers instead of trying to sift through Facebook and Twitter. You see, some people on Facebook like to read. Some people on Twitter like to read. But the 55 million Goodread members are an author's goldmine because everyone on the site likes to read. So, there's gold in them thar hills! How do we get it out? Obvious step #1: Create an author page and load up a book. Here is what else you can do: The Goodreads' initiative that created the most buzz for my book was a giveaway . The giveaways are for print books only, at this time. You pick your book,...
... designing, publishing, marketing and other book ventures.