# WritingTips Creating mood and atmosphere with your writing is more than just using words. And a fine example of how we can create mood and atmosphere is this Canadian song. https://m.youtube.com/watch… If you don't know French listen to the song and decide whether the words are scary. If you know French, still listen to the song and consider that though the words are not scary, the mood and atmosphere is. How did the songwriter achieve this? Well, he used codes and conventions of music that translate into our minds as scary. Writers use codes and conventions of the genre and form in which they are writing. Codes are things that create meaning like symbols, images, and sound and lighting. Conventions are the parts that are normally found in that form. It's how we partner passages with other words or hints to other texts, or how we use the sound of words to create the effect. These are literary devices. Can we do this naturally? Sure. If you're a great...
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